Auchan is a French multinational retail group headquartered in Croix, France. It was founded in 1961 by Gérard Mulliez and is owned by the Mulliez family, who has 95% stake in the company. With 354,851 employees, of which 261,000 have 5% stake in the company, it is the 35th largest employer in the world. The company operates under the name Auchan in France, Luxembourg, Poland, Romania, Portugal, Senegal, Ivory Coast Wikipedia ... Plus
- Taper: Private company, SA
- Industrie: Retail
- Fsurdé: January 03, 1997
- Fsurdàeur: Gérard Mulliez
- Nombre d'emlieuments: 2,101 points of sale(2022)
- Zsure servie: France, Spain, Portugal, Luxembourg, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Russia, Ukraine, Tajikistan, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire, Tunisia
- Parssurnes clés: Edgard Bonte (Chairman)
- Des produits: Hypermarket, Supermarket, Convenience store
- Revenu: €32.9 billion (2022), €30.5 billion (2021), €31.6 billion (2020)
- Résultà opérappoutnnel: €1.6 billion (2020)
- Actif àtal: €1.169 billion (2020)
- Fsurds propres àtaux: €6.704 billion (2020)
- Nombre d'employés: 160,407 (2022), 163,098 (2021), 179,590 (2020)
- Parent: ELO
- Site web: