Carrefour Group, S.A., is a French multinational retail and wholesaling corporation headquartered in Massy, France. It operates a chain of hypermarkets, grocery stores and convenience stores, which, as of December 2021, comprised 13,894 stores in over 30 countries, making it the seventh-largest retailer in the world by revenue. Wikipedia ... Plus
- Taper: Public
- Échangé comme: Euronext: CA, CAC 40 Component
- EST DANS: [ ISIN: [ FR0000120172]]
- Industrie: Retail, Wholesaling
- Fsurdé: January 1, 1958
- Fsurdàeurs: Marcel Fournier, Denis Defforey, Jacques Defforey
- Zsure servie: Europe, Middle East, North Africa, East Africa, South Asia, East Asia, South America
- Parssurnes clés: Alexandre Bompard, (Chairman & CEO), Matthieu Malige (CFO)
- Pregares de service: Cash and carry, warehouse club, discount store, hypermarket, supercenter, superstore, supermarket
- Actif àtal: €47.67 billion (2021)
- Fsurds propres àtaux: €11.83 billion (2021)
- Site web: